
Creating Your Pension

Are you looking for  stable retirement income  rather than stress?

Are you looking for 

stable retirement income 

—rather than stress?

Download our free retirement income guide today

Why is retirement income so important?

Markets can be volatile and the world is uncertain. The last thing most of us need in retirement is the stress of wondering whether we’ll have enough to pay the bills down the line.

But worry we do.

In fact, 61% of people surveyed by Allianz were more afraid of outliving their assets than they were of death.

What if you could eliminate that concern? 

If that sounds attractive, you’re in good company: 69% of those surveyed said they’d prefer a retirement product “guaranteed not to lose value.”

This isn’t just wishful thinking.
There is a way to build safety, stability, and simplicity in your retirement income plan.

What if you could eliminate that concern?

If that sounds attractive, you’re in good company: 69% of those surveyed said they’d prefer a retirement product “guaranteed not to lose value.”

This isn’t just wishful thinking.
There is a way to build safety, stability, and simplicity in your retirement income plan.

Download our free guide to learn the truth about annuities and the way they can help provide steady, guaranteed income for life.

Annuities get a bad rap in some circles, and we get it: after two economic crises in a little over a decade, it’s hard to trust in financial products.

That’s why our free guide lays it out for you:

The data about customer satisfaction with annuities (spoiler alert: it’s positive!)

The different ways to use annuities to build stable income for life

The ways you can still access positive market returns without sacrificing stable income